
I hope you enjoy these recipes that will make your kitchen a place everyone wants to call home. If you have any thoughts or questions about a post, please leave a comment.

February 18, 2011

Have Your Cake And Eat It Too

I recently read "Julie and Julie." (It was horrible. Don't read it. Watch the movie instead.) It made me want to bake Julia Child's Reine de Saba, which is the just about the most delicious chocolate cake I've ever had - all gooey and decadent. Read the recipe HERE.

I also recently read "To Kill A Mockingbird." If you've never read it, you MUST. Absolutely stellar. There are several mentions of Lane Cake in the book, so I decided to look up the recipe. It's a buttery cake (almost like a pound cake, I think) with a mixture of raisins, pecans, coconut, and bourbon between the layers and as an icing. It sounds ridiculously rich! Read the recipe HERE.

1 comment:

  1. I read "Julie & Julia" almost two years ago and felt the same way. The movie was way, way, way better than the book. And I didn't even like the movie that much. However, the book inspired my "summer of omelets." I tried a million different ways to make omelets that year. My favorites remain (1) portabello, grilled asparagus and goat cheese and (2) garlic, broccoli, onions and red pepper. :)

    I don't know if it's a new sub-genre, but I have found many novels that actually include recipes that coordinate with the story. It's so fun! Usually I see it with murder mysteries and cheesy titles like "Death by Chocolate" or the like. But other genres sometimes do it too. Ginger Garrett's "Chosen" (a novelized account of Queen Esther) offers an entire Persian feast at the back of the book. (Side note: I totally recommend that book! You can read my review here: http://tanyadennisbookshelf.blogspot.com/2008/01/chosen-lost-diaries-of-queen-esther-by.html)


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