
I hope you enjoy these recipes that will make your kitchen a place everyone wants to call home. If you have any thoughts or questions about a post, please leave a comment.

The Chef

I have been cooking since I made my first batch of cookies at age 6. One of my favorite childhood memories is learning to bake bread with my great aunt Alma.

I read cookbooks like novels, though I rarely follow a recipe. Instead, I create my own using the same principles. And sometimes I just create things that sound like they might work. I like to discover the science of food – how it acts and interacts.

My meals are generally simple – a snazzy meat with a steamed veggie for a side. I rarely use bread, pasta, or rice because I’d rather get my carbs from fruits and vegetables. If I’m serving guests, I’ll add an appetizer and a dessert to the menu.

I love to use fresh ingredients. A wise friend once told me that the best place to shop at the supermarket is the outside perimeter – produce, meat counter, and dairy section. The less you use products from cans, bottles, and boxes, the healthier your food will be. If you can’t pronounce it, why would you eat it?

I live in Ohio USA, in a small quiet farm-oriented community. The most interesting thing about the place is the fascinating interconnectedness of the people and the deep rich history. I’m the reporter/photographer for the town’s weekly newspaper which can be, all in one week, intriguing, saddening, funny, enlightening, inspiring…and stressful.

Writing – both as a job and as a hobby – and cooking are my two main hobbies. I also enjoy reading, and watching movies, and going to the theater. I’m fascinated by all things art – museums, art shows, trying to make art, photography, interior design, architecture. I love to shop, especially at thrift stores, garage sales, and “junk” shops. I’m also a runner…or at least I’m trying to be one! Its the most enjoyable exercise I’ve ever done.